Electronic Devices vs Communication in our Homes
During circle time in class today, I asked my 5th graders to share about how technology devices and games impact their lives at home.
Some of the comments were:
I use devices to call family who are a long distance away. I think on average I spend 6 hours each day on screens
My family has too many screens at home and so we are always hooked to one or the other
My family watches TV together.
My family is always on electronic devices so we don’t do stuff together.
When my family comes together we put screens away.
We do not spend a lot of time together. My brother only wants to play video games. He also gets aggressive when he’s had too much screen time
I don’t spend a lot of time on screens. Usually, a 20-minute TV show is enough. My dad got obsessed with a video game and he’d stay up till midnight playing
My brother before video games played board games with me, but he’s changed since.
I spend a lot of time on my iPad, Nintendo, and other devices.
My family does a lot of sports and so we sometimes come home too tired for screens
My brother does not want an in-person playdate with his friend but definitely would play Roblox with him online
My sister is always on her screen and is always grumpy afterward
I think screens affect my life. Once you get your hands on it it’s difficult to unplug.
My average screen time is 20 hours a week. My dad works from home and has 5 screens around him at most times. My sister probably spends double the time I spend on screens.
I don’t get it when my brother would go not bowling but is happy to play bowling on a screen
Screens have such a huge impact on my life. I spend hours and hours on animal crossing.
When we try talking to my dad while he’s on a screen, he usually would ask us to go find a movie to watch